Randy Lambert

Discography Section: Albums

Vic Glazer – Inside my Mind

Vic Glazer - Inside my mind

TEMPO ENTERTAINMENT is the executive producer for Vic Glazer’s debut CD “Inside My Mind”, recorded and released in December 2000. The CD is selling very well in Bermuda thus far. It features such local stars as a recording artist, Gita Blakeney, Sheila Smith, Deletta Gillispie, Sondra Choundhury, Le’Yoni Junos, and Ron Campbell. Vic’s band consists […]

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At Last!

At Last - Randy Lambert & Tempo

Randy Lambert & TEMPO recorded their debut CD “Tempo At Last” in 1997, it was released in December of that year. The CD has sold very well in Bermuda to local residents and tourists. The band featured on this CD consists of Randy Lambert, lead guitar and vocals, John Lee, bass guitar and vocals, St. […]

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